Progress Printing Pattern Repeats with STENCILS Complete & Continue Next Lesson Learn More 1. INTRODUCTION 1 Lesson Introduction 2. Creating the STENCILS 2 Lessons PREPARING the STENCIL CUTTING STENCILS 3. PRINTING 4 Lessons PRINTING the RED SQUARE PRINTING the BLUE CIRCLE PRINTING the Yellow Triangle Randomly PRINTING the Stencils 4. DISCOVERING 2 Lessons Cutting a CROPPING Mat Using the CROPPING FRAME 5. PRINTING the Repeating Pattern TEST 4 Lessons Printing Template Printing the RED STENCIL into a REPEAT Printing the BLUE STENCIL Printing the YELLOW STENCIL 6. REFERENCE MATERIAL • Downloads 3 Lessons Reparing a torn stencil About Pigments REFERENCE MATERIAL 7. WORKSHOP and CRIT 2 Lessons LIVE WORKSHOP LESSON TIME CRITIQUE WALL Printing Pattern Repeats with STENCILS Complete & Continue Next Lesson Learn More 7. WORKSHOP and CRIT CRITIQUE WALL