Tool Magic at Christmas 2023
I attended a bat mitzvah at the Temple Emanu-El in Long Beach, New York on November 18th, 2023. Amy is around my age, which is also around the age of many girls who did not get a bat mitzvah in the 1970’s possibly because that family might have been able to barely afford one bar mitzvah so that honor was usually was bestowed upon the boy in the family.
This particular bat mitzvah ceremony was a trilogy. There were three women who always wanted a bat mitzvah. They did so on their own terms, at this late age, for all the right reasons in the year that Roe v Wade was overturned and Israel suffered the worst attack ever in it’s entire history. The timing of this was not lost on any of us.
Now, I am not very close friends with Amy, but we have a few dear friends in common. Amy is very close with the Tarantino boys. The Tarantino boys were the closest of friends with my little brother, Victor. Those boys spent a lot of time with my parents. My father had a home improvement company and Victor followed my dad into the home repair business eventually creating a partnership with his friend Tommy in Long Beach right before Victor was accepted into the border patrol. Victor moved to California, and Tommy kept the home improvement company going in Long Beach.
At the temple, we all had a sweet reunion and i even met Tommy’s sone, Victor, who was born on the same day as my little brother.
To make a long story short, because it’s New Year’s Eve and I am being beckoned by that, Amy purchased one of my paintings for Tommy for Christmas this year. I know this story can be told in a more magical, lovely way, but this is what I got right now, and this photo is just awesome! I love it so much.
TOMMY with his TOOL PAINTING gifted to him by AMY, Christmas 2023.