Amrita Rose and I recorded this conversation during COVID. I am reminded of Amrita’s talent in digging deeper and finding relevance and connectivity. I am re-sharing it now because the changes that were happening at that time are manifesting themselves in another series of changes, as they always are, for both of us. Listening to this again reminded me that Amrita and I still need to have that conversation about curiosity, mostly because we all need to reignite that spark. Curiosity has takes a back seat to mere survival, mere coping.

Life Unleashed. A series of long-form conversations about life and how to life better. Conversations about things that matter with people who know.

Amrita Rose is a Transformational Career and Life Coach helping clients in Denver, CO, and globally online. Create a wholehearted life in soulful alignment with your values by designing a life to be lived on your terms. Want to know more?

My guest this episode is Artist, Educator and Entrepreneur, Val Sivilli Together we explore ideas around creativity, death and change. How letting go of your expectations of your own life can open up a whole new world of creativity and enjoyment and spark your life into even bigger and more exciting ways of living.

See Val's Artwork:

Want to know more?

Medium (everything from life coaching and positive psychology to poetry, prose and book reviews) - Instagram - amykosh1 Twitter - @anolimitlife FB Business - AnUnstoppableLife


Not just about getting through the day.


New Moves, Jeffrey, Selling Light and Messianic Jews